How To Install Pyqt5 For Mac Os

  1. How To Install Pyqt5 For Mac Os 64-bit
  2. How To Install Pyqt5 For Mac Os Virtualbox

There are three options for installing PyQt that we will discuss:

  • Using an installer
  • Using MacPorts
  • Installing from source
How To Install Pyqt5 For Mac Os

All of the options are limited in some way and you will need to decide which is best for you. This situation changes frequently as new versions of utilities are released.

How To Install Pyqt5 For Mac Os

Using an installer

The easiest way to install PyQt is to use an installer package that someone else has created. Unfortunately, at this time there is only an installer for Python 3.2 and cx_Freeze (which we use to distribute applications) does not work under this installation.

The interweb seem to incline on py2app when it come to deploying applications on mac. I’ve tried to make a single file for my application for a long time trying to follow these. The brew install pyqt command probably installed PyQt5 in Python in a different. Since this thread pops up in Google while searching for 'FlatCam on Mac OS', but. Simple, just copy PyQt4 source files folder (the folder called something like PyQt-mac-gpl-4.xx.x) to the Desktop and try again. – Gerardo Contijoch Sep 10 '13 at 14:54 add a comment. PyQt5; First,我们需要电脑中首先安装了python,博主是python 3.6。 Next,是pycharm。这个pycharm有教育版,绑定教育邮箱认证之类的。 Then, 我们说一下install pyQt5. 既然叫pyQt,故名思意,系统中必须安装Qt。 推荐一个镜像下载,官网下载很慢。 Tsinghua Open Source Mirror. Sep 06, 2020 Guide to install PyQt5 on Mac OS X with python 3.4 virtualenv Description. A simple guide to install PyQt5 on Mac OS X 10.9 (Maverick) and use python 3.4 on a virtualenv.

However, if you can live with these constraints then it is easily the best choice. To install PyQt using the installer you should:

  • Download and install Python 3.2.3 from
  • Download and install Qt 4.8.4 libraries for Mac from Qt Project
  • Download and install PyQtX from PyQtX

Using MacPorts

MacPorts is a package manager for Mac OS X that makes working with Unix utilities easier. It is currently our preferred method of installing Python 3.3 and PyQt 4.9.4 as it allows us to work with cx_Freeze, which we use to create stand-alone applications.

Follow our guide to distributing your application to install PyQt4 via MacPorts

Installing from source

How to install pyqt5 for mac os bootable

How To Install Pyqt5 For Mac Os 64-bit

This option is included for completeness and is not recommended unless you are experienced with the command line.

These instructions are known to work on Mac OS X 10.6.8, 10.7.5 and 10.8.2.With earlier or later versions of the OS your mileage may vary.

  1. Make sure you have the latest Mac OS X Update installed (10.6.8 or 10.7.5 or 10.8.2)
  2. Make sure you have the latest version of Xcode installed (available from the Mac App Store)
  3. From within Xcode ensure you have installed the Command Line Tools (see Xcode -> Preferences -> Downloads)
  4. Create a separate user account with administration privileges
  5. Log out of your regular account and then log into the account you just created
  6. Download and install the most recent Python installation from the Python website
  7. Download the Qt Libraries 4.8.4 from Qt Project
  8. Run the Qt installer and wait for it to finish
  9. Download the latest version of SIP from Riverbank Computing
  10. Download the latest version PyQt from Riverbank Computing
  11. Create a new folder called 'OpenSource' inside your user directory
  12. Move the SIP and PyQt tar.gz packages to this folder
  13. Double-click on the SIP and PyQt tar.qz to decompress them
  14. Rename the SIP and PyQt folders something shorter e.g. 'SIP' and 'PyQt'
  15. In Terminal type the following to install SIP (each line separately followed by enter):
    • cd ~/OpenSource
    • cd SIP
    • python3 -d /Library/Python/3.3/site-packages --arch x86_64
    • make
    • sudo make install
  16. In Terminal type the following to install PyQt4 (each line separately followed by enter):
    • cd ..
    • cd PyQt
    • python3 -d /Library/Python/3.3/site-packages/ --use-arch x86_64
    • make
    • sudo make install
  17. Log out of the new user account and back into your regular account
  18. Check PyQt is working
  19. Delete the recently created user account from system preferences/accounts

How To Install Pyqt5 For Mac Os Virtualbox

You should now be able to run Python programs that use PyQt4 on your Mac.