List Of Diacritical Marks

The 'tonic' syllable is the syllable that receives the stress or accent; the 'pretonic' syllable is the syllable before the tonic syllable, and the 'propretonic' syllable is the syllable before the pretonic. Don't let this nomenclature intimidate you: in the Scriptures, accented syllables are usually identified with one or more accent marks (see below).
The Masoretes and the Masoretic Text

Between the 7th and 9th centuries A.D, a group of Jewish scribes called the Masoretes added vowel signs (nikkudot), cantillation symbols and accent marks (ta'amim) to the text. This process came to be known as the Masorah (tradition). The marked text was called the Masoretic Text and became the standard text for the Jews around the world.
Accents of the Masoretic Text
Every word in the Tanakh (except those joined by a hyphen or maqqef) carries an accent mark on its 'tonic' syllable (i.e., the syllable that receives the stress). In the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia there are 27 prose and 21 poetic accent marks used in the text. These marks (like the vowel marks) may appear above or below the word.
Three Main Accent Marks
Most accent marks can be classified according to whether they are disjunctive (pausal) or conjunctive (connecting).


Fundamental » All languages » English » All topics » Communication » Language » Writing » Orthography » Letters, symbols, and punctuation » Diacritical marks. English names of diacritical marks. When combined, its form can be modified to work well with another mark (acute, grave, hook above, or tilde). Cabin, designed by Pablo Impallari, has a circumflex that is steeper on the lowercase than the uppercase base letter. On the lowercase letter, the circumflex that combined with another accent is closer to the base than the circumflex alone. Notes: If you're working on a laptop without a separate numeric keyboard, you can add most accented characters using the Insert Symbol More Symbols command in Word. For more info, see Insert a symbol in Word. If you plan to type in other languages often you should consider switching your keyboard layout to that language.

    Disjunctive Accents
    Disjunctive accents mark a pause or break in the reading of the text, and function something like commas, semicolons, and colons in English. There are 18 disjunctive accent marks you might see in the Masoretic text, but the two most important are:

    • Atnach - Placed under the last word of the first half of a verse.
    • Silluq - Placed under the last word of the second half of a verse.

    Conjunctive Accents
    Conjunctive accents connect two words in the text. There are 9 conjunctive accent marks you might see in the Masoretic text, but the most important is:

    • Munach - Placed under a word that is connected with a following word.

The following shows Genesis 1:1 as you might see it in a typical Masoretic text:

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The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.
  1. Diacritic is primarily an adjective, though sometimes used as a noun, whereas diacritical is only ever an adjective. Some diacritical marks, such as the acute ( ´ ) and grave ( ` ), are often called accents. Diacritical marks may appear above or below a letter, or in some other position such as within the letter or between two letters.
  2. Vowel Diacritics. This table is organized by accent diacritic, then vowel. See the HTML Accent Chart or the Old English HTML codes for capital letters with accents. For each combination, codes in bold teal are entity codes or decimal Unicode numeric codes.

Diacritical Marks

(also called diacritics), various marks that are located above, below, and less frequently, on the line; used in letter types of writing for changing or specifying the value of individual signs. The following types of diacritical marks are differentiated: marks that give a letter a new value, such as Й, ë, ä, ă, Θ, ƒ and Љ in the alphabets of the peoples of the USSR based on the Russian alphabet and å, θ, ü, š, ç, ¯n, and ł in the Latin alphabet, and marks designating variants of a sound, such as è, é and ê in French, which also differentiate meaning. Some diacritical marks indicate that the letter should be read separately (for example, French ï). Prosodic diacritical marks indicate length or shortness, stress and its types, and tones (in Vietnamese and some Latin writing systems for Chinese).

Diacritical marks play a large role in certain transcription systems and in plans for international alphabets. The same diacritical marks have a different meaning in different national writing systems. There is a particularly large number of diacritical marks in the French, Portuguese, Polish, Czech, Latvian, and Lithuanian writing systems based on the Latin alphabet and in the writing systems of the peoples of the USSR based on the Russian alphabet (in which the purpose of the diacritical marks has been standardized wherever possible). Diacritical marks are also used in Arabic (to differentiate the letters shin and sin), in writing systems created on the basis of Arabic script (for example, Persian), and in the Indie system of writing (where they indicate a nasal consonant and also differentiate the length and shortness of [u] and [i]).

List Of Diacritical Marks Pronunciation

Some scholars also treat as diacritical marks the system of vocalization in the Semitic types of writing (for example, in Arabic and Hebraic writing), in which vowel sounds are designated by dots or dashes under consonants.

List Of Diacritical Marks


Diringer, D. Alfavit. Moscow, 1963. (Translated from English.)
Istrin, V. A. Razvitie pis’ma. Moscow, 1961.
Giliarevskii, R. S., and V. S. Grivnin. Opredelitel’ iazykov mira po pis’mennostiam, 3rd ed. Moscow, 1964.
Friedrich, J. Geschichte der Schrift. Heidelberg, 1966.
Gelb, I. J. A Study of Writing. Chicago, 1963.
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

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List Of Diacritical Marks